

Spectroscopy applications demand powerful software tools to provide everything from instrument control to acquisition of large data volumes. Zolix has pay more attention to software over years and offers a range of software solutions according to customers' requirement ;Focusing on our core markets of spectroscopy and related fields;

ZolixScan Controlling Software

Detector control software
ZolixScan is Zolix's detector control software with versions specifically designed to run detectors; Spectroscopy and detectors as well as their associated accessories. All detectors parameters can be configured through the setup dialogues.
ZolixScan offers a dedicated platform for scanning monochromator applications. Monochromators, detectors, data acquisition unit, lock-in amplifier/chopper and motorized accessories can all be conveniently synchronized through a series of intuitive interfaces ;
Complex scanning sequences involving multiple gratings, filters and up to monochromators for fluorescence measurements-including a tunable light source setup—can be captured prior to acquisition start and executed without further interverntion of the user. ZolixScan can also handle multiple detectors control and data display for Absorption-Transmission-Reflection spectroscopy etc.

· With detection capabilities ranging from UV to IR region through range of single point detectors—Silicon, PMTs, PbS, InGaAs etc.
ZolixScan offers a dedicated platform for scanning applications

· Dedicated platform for scanning applications
· Step-by-step experiment building interface
· Complex scanning sequences involving multiple gratings
· Multiple detectors control and data display
· Post-acquisition mathematical data processing



Software Development Kit
A software development kit that allows you to control range of detectors from your own application. Available as 32 and 64 bits libraries for windows( XP, Win 7/8/10). Compatible with C/C++, LabVIEW etc.
The SDK provides a suite of functions that allow you to configure the data acquisition process in a number of different ways. There are also functions to control the shutter operations etc. The SDK will automatically handle its own internal memory requirements .